• 2059 reviews
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A Convenient Way to Save and Sync Your Browsing Sessions with Tab Cloud

Are you tired of losing all your open tabs when your computer crashes or when you switch to a different device? Look no further! With Tab Cloud, a powerful Chrome extension , you can now effortlessly save and restore your window sessions, ensuring that you never lose your tabs again. Let me share my personal experience with this top-rated extension, which has an impressive rating of 4.41 and positive user reviews.

Effortlessly Save and Restore Your Window Sessions

Tab Cloud makes it incredibly simple to save and restore your window sessions. By clicking on the TabCloud icon in your browser 's menu, you can instantly view a list of your current open windows as well as any previously saved windows. This convenient menu allows you to save your open windows, restore saved windows, and delete unnecessary saved windows. Say goodbye to the frustration of losing your browsing sessions!

Enhanced Browsing Experience

In addition to saving and restoring window sessions, Tab Cloud offers additional features that enhance your browsing experience. For instance, you can open a specific tab without disturbing your current session by simply middle-clicking the tab icon. If you need to quickly navigate to a specific tab, just click on its icon, and you will be instantly taken there. Moreover, Tab Cloud allows you to effortlessly move tabs between windows by dragging the tab icon, giving you full control and flexibility.

Secure and Convenient Login

Your security is important to us. Tab Cloud ensures the safety of your saved windows by requiring a secure login using your Google account. This way, only you have access to your synced sessions. If you ever need to logout, you can easily do so from the TabCloud menu. Rest assured that your browsing sessions are protected.

Renaming Made Easy

Stay organized with Tab Cloud's easy-to-use renaming feature. Simply click on the name of a window, and you can give it a new, more descriptive name. This enables you to easily identify and manage your saved sessions. No more confusion!


Tab Cloud is a reliable and convenient solution for saving and syncing window sessions across multiple devices. With its impressive rating of 4.41, it has garnered positive feedback from users. Some have praised its seamless functionality and effortless tab syncing, while others appreciate features like the middle-click option and the ability to move tabs between windows. It is important to note that some users have encountered minor issues, such as difficulty logging in or accidentally deleting tabs.

Overall, Tab Cloud offers a valuable service for those who need to switch between devices frequently or require a reliable way to save their browsing sessions. Give it a try and experience the convenience and peace of mind that comes with having your tabs securely stored and easily accessible whenever you need them.

Sync open tabs between multiple computers.

Save and restore window sessions.

Easy to use interface.

Limited to Google account login.

No option to sync across different browsers.

2059 reviews
16 Reviews For This Extension
Xtube Lover

Works well but Chrome can save tab groups out of the box now.

Annie Stallings

My mornings would be chaotic and unorganized without TabCloud.

Daniel Rathbun

I am having a similar problem to many others. The saved tab collections aren't loading. Perpetual 'Loading...' message. Using this workaround: https://chrometabcloud.appspot.com/tabs.jsp I have confirmed that additional new saves are being saved. But the ability to scroll through old saved groups seems frozen.

Tiffany Royal

I've been using this extension and Session Buddy and have the same issue with both. They are great for saving specific tabs in a window. I have a lot of different websites and programs that I have to access for various job tasks and this is so much easier than hunting and clicking each link or bookmark for a particular task. My issue is that neither of them has the capability of saving the window as the name of said saved group. I can go in and rename the window in Chrome, but as soon as I close it, the name is lost. I frequently have several windows open at a time, and while the tab saves are great for opening them, it isn't helpful when several of my windows use the same applications in different ways. Example: I use our financal program to pay invoices, request purchases as well as track employee information. All the same program, but different areas of said program. They do all default to the program name for the website/tab, though. So when I have multiple windows open, its not any faster to have to maximize or click through all of my windows to get the the correct "finance" one. I can go in and label each window, but those are lost when the window is closed. If one of these extensions was able to display the name of the saved group as the window name, it would be PERFECT.


A lot of people saying it's not working. I've not had that problem. It has worked everytime so far and has been retrievable on both my Windows browser and my Android deice. My only complaint is that it should not save pinned tabs. Can we get an option to exclude them? Please?

Kaylee Thompson

Gave it 5 stars last year but it's no longer working. Which is a HUGE bummer because it was fantastic and I actually might pay a small monthly fee to have it. I wonder if anyone knows of something similar besides using Chrome bookmarks. Update: Someone mentioned Session Buddy in a review below/above. I added it to my Chrome and seem like I am going to like it a lot. It's a little different but the concept is the same. Hopefully this will aid in my transition. I am so BUMMED about TabCloud. :( Additional ideas from AlternativeTo.com: The best TabCloud alternative is OneTab, which is free. Other great apps like TabCloud are TabsFolders, One Tab Group, Tabsets and Tab Space.

Yurii Shutkin

Works, but could be better. 1. It doesn't jump (or not always?) to the tab if I click on a tab in a window other than currently opened. The active tab in that window is changed, but the focus stays on the current window. 2. If I modify a set of tabs in a window and want to save it again, it creates new window with the same name instead of overwriting the old one, so I need to delete the old one manually. There could be a configurable option to overwrite. 3. Saved windows doesn't keep information about tab groups, so, when you restore it, all tab groups information is lost. 4. Moving tabs from one group to another works, but copying doesn't work, so if I want to add a tab to some saved window, I need to duplicate it first. It would be great if I move with Ctrl pressed, it is copied.

Babli Middleton

It is not working


not working anymore

Yanis Azze

not working anymore

Angela Robertson

I have been using this for years and absolutely love the simple interface and awesome utility. Thanks!

Anthony Heckmann

Still works for me after 13 years!

Dave D

Apparently no longer works. When I click on it, all I see is 'Loading' in middle of app. When I click SAVE icon at top right, it never saves as the 'Loading' message never changes. Hope this gets fixed as this was a good app.


Only opens some of my tabs and refuses to open every single tab in a saved session no matter how many attempts I make. I got this for the sole purpose of being able to travel away from home and be able to continue my browsing & manage my (currently unmedicated) ADHD & long-covid induced memory loss, but this has only made it worse since I'm now away from home and unable to retrieve tabs that aren't on this computer and can't remember where my temporarily important tabs were. They don't need to be bookmarked, but were important enough to need to be saved in a tab for a short bit later (EX: a Youtube video to watch after a flight, or an article about a health condition I have), and now I've lost them for the next two weeks while dealing medical issues. Session Buddy was better even without the sync since it was more user friendly with its UI, and TabCloud is a small, awkward to use, window that pops up in the extension bar. Will be uninstalling as soon as I can figure out how to get my tabs back & save them with something else. At least the sync worked.

Lê Văn Cảnh

This is so useful extension. But I've got 1 issue. It require re-login tabcloud via gmail every time I restart my computer. This issue just happened recently, years ago I used it and I don't see that issue. Could you please fix it? Thank you from Việt Nam!

Ryan Wang

Works almost exactly how I want: save a window in laptop, open that window in desktop, etc. Minimalist and intuitive UI. I just wish there was a way to save groups. For example, suppose I have 10 tabs in a window, 5 grouped as math, 5 grouped as english and save that from my laptop. When I reopen that window in desktop, I get those 10 tabs but lose the math and english groups. It still preserves the order though, and doesn't take much time to group them again.

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